As promised, I’m sending my prayer for the week, based on Psalm 139. I chose this Psalm because it's a favorite of mine, one I think is perfect to start off the year. Honestly, I think I could pray it every day. It sets the foundation of who we are and how God looks upon us, how he’s always with us and always guiding us. This Psalm always comforts me.
I wrote my own Psalm 139 prayer following the basic steps here:

Essentially, I simply wrote what came to my heart and mind as I read the Psalm. The words you’ll read are pretty much my unfiltered, minimally edited thoughts. While sharing them feels a little vulnerable, I hope they inspire you to be honest in your thoughts to God as well.
In chatting with high schoolers recently about prayer, the following thoughts came up that I think are relatable to many of us:
· It’s often easier to pray when we need something than it is when things are going great. We want to remember to pray more prayers of thanks.
· Praying in front of others is harder than praying on our own. Sometimes it feels intimidating to pray in front of others, as if our words aren’t going to be good enough.
· Praying honestly from the heart is all God really wants. We can talk to him as we are, without worrying whether the words or thoughts are “good enough.”
I hope as we pray together the Psalms and share our honest thoughts on prayer, that we all grow closer to God and feel more and more comfortable speaking openly with him, that we remember to pray always - during the good and the bad. I hope we all feel connected to and strenghtened by each other's prayers as well. Finally, I pray you hear and know God’s voice this week and hope the Psalms can be one way you might draw closer to him.
My Psalm 139 prayer:
Dear Lord, I thank you for knowing me completely and loving me dearly. You know everything I do and you know all my thoughts. No matter where I go or where those I love go, you stay close, protecting and guiding us. Thank you.
You know what I’m going to say even before I say it. Please guide my words today, spoken and unspoken. Liken my thoughts and my words to yours, Lord, and forgive me when my thoughts or words have not been pleasing to you.
You go before me and follow me, placing your hand of blessing on my head. This is incredible. Thank you for this, and thank you for your hand of blessing and guidance on those I love.
Lord, your spirit is with me, even when I feel distant, sad, tempted, broken, lost, confused. Your spirit resides in me and is everywhere, in all things.
In moments of darkness, YOU are light. Please light the dark places in me, all the places that need your light, your love, your healing touch. Bring your light to all those places in those I love and in this world, and help us all to be your light.
Your word says you made me “wonderfully complex,” and that your “workmanship is marvelous.” Forgive me when I have not loved myself or others as you do, Lord. Help me see myself and others through your eyes – beautiful, complex, and specially gifted for your purposes in this world.
I think of my grandbaby, my own children, how perfect in every way they are made, and how much I deeply love them. I always hope the best for them, and sometimes worry too much about their future, but you know their future. It rests strongly, peacefully, completely in your hand.
The fact that you have so many precious thoughts on me, Lord, THIS overwhelms me. THIS brings me to complete awe. Thank you.
Lord, any evil, any thoughts not of you, cast them away. Guard and protect me and those I love from anything that binds us, anything that is not from you. Pour your spirit and love into us. Give us hearts and minds like you, Lord.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Here’s a simple template to get you started with praying Psalm 139 if it’s helpful, but don’t feel like you need to follow my prompts. Follow what God guides you to do, and have a blessed week.