Falling into God’s Love (Weekly Study) Week one: His Love Drives Out Fear
Reading and Reflection: 1 John 4-5
Today as I write this, I’ve just returned from a very quick visit with family, and no matter how often or how long I visit any of my children, the return is always an adjustment. On the trips where my husband and I drive, I’ve become particularly grateful for the beauty I see in the sky. Whether it’s a bright full moon or a colorful sunset, the sky has a way of reminding me that God is overseeing everything and that all will be well. Somehow, by looking up, I feel firmly grounded and rooted. In other words, when I shift my focus to him, the sadness I might feel becomes more manageable. No, it doesn’t erase all my emotions, but it reminds me that God knows how I feel, that he understands, and that he will be with me in it. This brings me peace.

This comfort I receive from God when I’m sad is the same comfort we all can receive in any difficult circumstance. If we’re confused, frustrated, worried, afraid, we can shift from looking down or inward at the problem to instead lifting our eyes up to him. He is there with the one thing that can help – unwavering, never-ending, complete love.
1 John 4-5 is full of the richness of God’s love. When I read these passages, I’m reminded of so many important truths. Here are some:
· We belong to God (1 John 4:4, 6)
· We have God’s spirit in us (1 John 4:4, 12-16)
· God’s Love expels all fear (1 John 4:18)
· God loved us first (1 John 4:19) (so since he loved me first, I didn’t need to do anything to earn his love. It’s a gift!)
· We are God’s Children (1 John 5:1)
· As God’s children, we can defeat evil (1 John 4:4; 1 John 5:4-5, 18-19)
· We have fellowship (companionship, closeness) with God (1 John 5:20)
When I look at all these truths, these promises from God in these passages, I remember how much I’m loved, and then realize I have no reason to feel fearful, worried, or distressed about anything that comes my way.
For example:
· How can I feel alone when I remember I belong to God and always have his companionship?
· How can I feel afraid when I remember God’s powerful spirit is in me?
· How can I feel unloved when I remember God loves me without me having to do anything?
· How can I feel powerless when I remember I’m protected from evil?
These passages clearly describe all the goodness we receive from God simply because he loves us so much. They remind us who we are in Christ. If we fully grasp this identity, we can fully lean into being the people he has created us to be.
So here are some things I plan to do this week, that I invite you to try with me, in order to cement these truths in our minds:
1. Read 1 John 4 and 5 each day, highlighting the promises and truths.
2. Write these truths in a journal each day, or write them on notes where you will see them often. You can personalize them to say:
· I belong to God. (1 John 4:4,6)
· I have God’s spirit in me. (1 John 4:4, 12-16)
· God’s love is greater than my fears (1 John 4:18)
· God loves me (no matter what!) (1 John 4:19)
· I am God’s child. (1 John 5:1)
· I have power over any evil (1 John 4:4; 1 John 5:4-5, 18-19)
· I have God’s companionship. He is RIGHT HERE with me! (1 John 5:20)
3. Pray these truths. For example, I can pray this simple prayer:
Thank you God, that I belong to you, that I am your child, that I have your spirit in me, that your love conquer my fears, that I can overcome evil with you at my side. Please help me remember these truths all throughout the day and night, and help all those I love to know these truths too. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen
4. Look at the things God has created to remind me of his presence and power right here with me. For example, I can look at the sky to remember his surrounding presence and power, reminding me that his love is greater than anything I fear or anything that brings me down, that he is lifting me up and holding me in his loving arms. I can look at the birds, remembering how he cares for them, and therefore also cares for me and all those I love even more (Matthew 6:26).
5. Follow the advice John gives at the end of 1 John 5. He says, “Dear Children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.” (1 John 5:21)
While I want to hope nothing would ever take God’s place in my heart, I know that if I’m honest, sometimes things do take his place. How often do I get distracted by things that cause me to worry, to feel anxious, to get too busy, or even by things that are enjoyable and fun? This verse doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy other things or occupy our time with other things, but it does warn us to not let those things be more important than God. I can pray for God to help me keep my focus on him, knowing that when I pray for things that are in his will, he answers. (1 John 5:14-15)
I pray these chapters of 1 John 4 and 5 bless you this week (and beyond this week), and I pray we will all feel and know his love more than anything else.
Have a blessed week, falling into the loving arms of God.
