We are fully into the season of fall, and as we begin this month of November, the month where we think about gratitude, the Thanksgiving holiday, and Christmas coming soon, my biggest prayer for all is that we can stay above the busyness enough to notice and remember ONE thing: God’s unwavering, faithful love for us.
As followers of God, we know that God is love. We hear the message repeated often that he loves us. I read that the word love in its various forms is mentioned in the NIV version of the Bible 551 times. (christianityfaq.com) I’ve also learned that the Hebrew word for steadfast love, hesed, is written 172 times in the Old Testament, with 120 of those mentions in the Psalms.
As I look around me this past week, I’ve seen so much beauty in God’s creation that reflects and reminds me of his love. From the bright beautiful colors of fall leaves on a recent trip to Washington, to a simple walk around my neighborhood noticing plump round pumpkins on porches and doorsteps, and even the splattering of leaves outside my own patio door blown from the gentle cool wind of the season. There is beauty everywhere, in all things he has created, and I only need to be quiet and notice in order to remember that these are gifts he freely gives me every day.
This past month, I’ve had two significant people in my life, at separate times, ask for my thoughts on the words of 1 John 4:18. This verse says:
“Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.”
Prior to being asked about my thoughts on this verse, I’d also heard Bible study teacher Mark DeJesus state that this verse is the one that saved his mental health. He said that God’s love has the kind of power that can drive out fear. His love reminds us that he’s got our back, and that we don’t need to be perfect because that thought is fear based. We simply need to receive God’s love and see ourselves as he sees us - God sees us as our father.
These words from DeJesus, along with my own reflection on this verse in 1 John, has caused me to pay more attention to the relationship between love and fear, and whether I’m fully embracing God’s love each day. Yes, I know that God loves me, but I also know that I have fears. I have things that cause worry and insecurity and doubt. In my talks with others, I don’t seem to be alone in that. In John 16:33, Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” He knows we have reasons to feel worry and fear, but he wants us to know he is stronger than the troubles that cause these feelings.
The way I see it, when I FULLY embrace the love God has for me, I am not so afraid. When I remember that he is right here, surrounding me and protecting me because of his unwavering love, I know I’m okay and I know I can get through hard things.
I’ve been praying a lot over what to write next on my blog. Because this concept of love over fear has popped up so much in my life recently, I think God is definitely speaking. Actually, I think this message has been on my heart for quite some time. My website tagline, which has been the same for years, says, “When you read my stories, real or imagined, may you discover a God who loves you.” And my most recent published book, a children’s book titled Zeke Can’t Sleep is entirely a book about remembering you’re unique and loved. The message of God’s love is clearly on my heart, and maybe that’s because I know how powerful that message is when it’s remembered, and I know how much everyone needs to hear it.

So this is my introduction to my next series of blogs on the theme of Falling into God’s Love. Yes, the pun on fall is intended, and so is the concept of FALLING into his love. I believe that fully receiving his love has a lot to do with surrendering to him, doing the complete trust fall into his arms, and so that’s what I hope to work on with each of you who read my posts. As with all my writings, I don’t claim to have all this figured out perfectly, but I think that together we can help each other, so I hope you’ll join me in this study, and join me in prayer that we will all “be strengthened in our inner being with power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith, as we are being rooted and grounded in love.” (adapted from Ephesians 3:16-17)
Here’s what’s next:
1. In the next several weeks, I’ll be reflecting on the following Bible passages, addressing the corresponding themes that are also written in the repeating verse of my children’s book. (“Stars and moonbeams shine tonight, hugs and kisses hold you tight. Close your eyes, think good things, remember you’re loved, and dream sweet dreams.”) Yes, the book is for children, but the message of being loved is for everyone!
Week One: Love Drives Out Fear 1 John 4 - 1 John 5
Week Two: Stars and Moonbeams Shine Tonight Ephesians 3:14-21; Psalm 8
Week Three: Hugs and Kisses Hold You Tight Romans 8:31-39; Isaiah 41:10
Week Four: Close Your Eyes 1 Peter 5:7; Matthew 11:28-30; Matthew 6:31-34 Week Five: Think Good Things Philippians 4:4-9; Psalm 136
Week Five: Remember You’re Loved Psalm 139; Romans 5:8; John 4
Week Six: Dream Sweet Dreams Genesis 28:10-22; John 14-16
In my reflections, I will likely reference other Bible verses in addition to the ones listed here, but these should be the main focus. You can start reading these passages any time, and with each reading ask yourself the following questions, journaling your thoughts if you like:
· What does this passage reveal about God?
· What does this passage reveal about Jesus?
· What does this passage reveal about me?
· How is God’s love reflected in this passage?
· What do I want to say to God in response to this passage?
· What do I want to soak in and remember from this passage?
If you’re currently reading another book in the Bible, you can ask these questions of whatever you’re reading. For example, I’m also reading the book of Genesis with some friends, and will ask myself these questions as I read.
2. I’m also planning to journal a “Daily Delight” based on inspiration from the book The Book of Delights by Ross Gay and Ann Voskamp’s writings in One Thousand Gifts. Each of these writers share the beauty in everyday things and remind me to be grateful for so many gifts in life. I will likely share one of my “Daily Delight” journal entries each week.
I’m encouraging you to journal a “Daily Delight” as well. Feel free to share it with me on my website, on social media, with a few friends, or keep it between you and God.
I hope you enjoy this journey with me, as we open our hearts and minds to God’s pure love for us and give thanks for all his loving, freely given gifts.

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This study for week one just blew my mind. I’ve been waiting for you to post something new to study and I can’t believe this is the first one I read. Especially because I had a breakdown on reformation day which was Halloween October 31, 2024. I was so troubled and out of control. I had to see Pastor Tim right away to get his help because I didn’t know where God‘s love was and if I had any of it, I was so lost and Pastor told me not to worry because I was a child of God and I got this , and he made the sign of the cross on my forehead and gave me holy communion.…